Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Ruth Circle: A group of ladies who meet for fellowship and support our community with prayers, funds, and actions that support service projects for our military and veterans, K9 for Warriors of Ponte Vedra, Mission House at the Beach, Isiah 1:17, as well as other needs that arise in our community.
Join us at our quarterly meetings on the second Saturday of February, May, August, and November at 1 pm at IOF's Mission Hall.
Point of contact: Gloria Myers 904-631-8183
Men's Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 8:45am in the large conference room.
United Methodist Men (UMM) meets the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm at Isle of Faith for dinner, fellowship and an inspirational program.
Contact Ray Hughes for more information.
Small groups meet at various people's homes or locations around town most days of the week, usually in the evening. Small groups are a great way to dive into the word and grow spiritually in an intimate environment. A number of activities are sponsored by small groups. If you're interested in getting plugged into a group that's right for you, call the church office at (904) 221-1700 for details.