Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
The patch is open every day to the general public with no entry fee Oct 8th through Oct 31st! Please be mindful of our hours. Make sure you play safe and have fun.
Monday thru Friday 1:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm
Trying to think of seasonal activities for your pre-school and elementary aged group? This is the one! We've thought of everything from start to finish and the kids love it! For more information contact
Join us for our season opening Tuesday, October 8th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm.
At 4pm the Chinchilla's food truck will be at the patch.
Join us for our fall craft fair and bake sale Saturday, October 12th from 10am - 2pm. It's always a ton of fun including bounce houses, free gift for the kids (while supplies last), photo opportunities and much more! Free to the public!
The Fried Egg food truck will be joining us at the patch at 4pm.
Festivities at the patch Saturday October 19th 11am-1pm include a scavenger hunt (find a duck and win a little prize), a free hotdog lunch sponsored by United Methodist Men, a bounce house, and a free gift for the kids (while supplies last)!
Chop It Charlie's food truck will be joining us at the patch at 4pm.
Join us for this fun, family friendly, safe alternative to trick-or-treating! This year our trunk-or-treat will be held on October 26th, starting at 7:00pm.
If you're interested in decorating your trunk, please do! Just make sure it's family friendly ;)
Contact Alison Marshall @ if you would like to participate in the event as a trunk.
The Isle of Faith Mission Team has been collecting food and hygiene items to package up and give away starting at 11am until all supplies are distributed.
Stop in and have some chili (sponsored by our Mission Leadership Team) and vote for the favorite Top IOF Chili Chef.
There will also be a bounce house and a free gift for the kids (while supplies last).
Wild Pie food truck will be serving it up 4pm at the patch!
It's Patch Set Up Time!
Come Out and Join Us!
We need help with the following:
All Pumpkin Rack Set Up
All Photo Op Set Up
Patch Decorations
Lights Set Up
Snack Shack Set Up
** Please email confirmation to Teresa Friley prior to the event **
1821 San Pablo Road S
Teres Friley Patch Coordinator (330-319-5024)
Pumpkins are coming! Pumpkins are coming!
Come Out and Help Us Unload the Truck!
We need help on the following dates:
Monday 10/07 at 5pm
Monday 10/14 at 5pm
Monday 10/21 at 5pm
Monday 10/28 at 5pm
Your volunteer hours at the patch are needed and appreciated. We have a volunteer coordinator ready to sign you up and provide you with the needed paperwork to receive full credit for them.
Contact Kayla Friley by email ( or phone (330-617-2986) for details.
Why, yes, we are pet friendly. You're welcome to bring your furbaby to the patch as long as they are leashed, well behaved and you clean up after them.
The pumpkin is a free community event. There is never a cost to enter the patch. Come in, play safe and leave a donation for the pumpkins you take with you.
We are a donation based patch. You will find a rack with some suggested pricing but we encourage you to pray about your giving and donate what you able to donate.
Join us. There's just as much fun inside as there is outside! We worship every Sunday at 9:30am with several options for participation.
We also hold small group classes at 11:00am.
Your volunteer hours at the patch are needed and appreciated. We have a volunteer coordinator ready to sign you up and provide you with the needed paperwork to receive full credit for them.
Contact Kayla Friley by email ( or phone (330-617-2986) for details.
Still have questions that aren't answered here?
Contact Teresa Friley at and we'll be happy to help you!
This is where we get toot YOUR horn and share a little bit about all of the good that YOUR donation does.
The Jacksonville Pumpkin Patch is hosted and managed by Isle of Faith United Methodist Church and was recently named No.1 for Outstanding Patch Appeal among the more than 800 churches across the country serviced by the supply company Pumpkins USA (click here for writeup). It is entirely volunteer run! Every person you come across working in the patch is volunteering their time in support of the good that comes from it. The patch has always been a free community event and we intend to keep it that way. The volunteers from Isle of Faith UMC are committed to sharing the love of Christ in their gifts, service and presence in the patch. We are here for you! Whether that's to help select the perfect pumpkin for your family, pray for your needs, clean up rotten squash or provide a friendly smile at an event, we want your experience to leave you feeling joy and love.
Isle of Faith UMC supports missions and ministries within Jacksonville and around the world. Every year, our mission team meets and selects which missions and ministries pumpkin donations are going to focus on. A set amount is then donated to those missions and the rest goes to support the other missions and ministries of the church. This is, of course, after we pay the pumpkin suppliers. In the past your donations have supported homeless rehabilitation in Jacksonville Beach, low income household families and Jacksonville, local youth and young adults, plans for a children's home in Jamaica, impoverished families in Angola, Africa, medical trips to the Dominican Republic, an initiative to wipe out Malaria across the world, Operation Christmas Child and many, many more!
It is donations and volunteer hours from YOU that make this a success and spread love, the way we were taught to, around the world. Thank you!
The good actually starts, right from the beginning of the process; getting the pumpkins. We are often asked where our pumpkins come from. They are shipped to us by a grower in New Mexico. In cooperation with the Navajo Nation, they grow 1,200 acres or approximately 2 square miles of pumpkins and employ over 700 Native Americans during our harvest months of September and October. They also have a full time off-season staff that is comprised of entirely Native Americans. This has a positive and lasting impact on a region with 42% unemployment. Additionally, pumpkins are non-GMO. Responsible agricultural practices mean that we provide a great product, which has less of an impact on the environment.
Again we thank you for your role in supporting this important ministry.