Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
We believe that the purpose of tithing is to stay healthy enough spiritually so that we at be able to hear what the Lord wants from our whole lives. Our question to God should not be "How much do we want to give?" but rather "How does God want us to live?" The discipline of tithing helps us reflect on the most faithful way to use the remaining ninety percent of our income. Your generosity and faithfulness in giving enables Isle of Faith United Methodist Church to fulfill its mission and opportunity to transform the world.
Keep in mind that giving is different than tithing, We give our time, talents and may even choose to give financial support to a specific ministry or mission. Giving is something you do in addition to tithing.
As Christians, we believe in the Resurrection - that there is life after life. Therefore, part of our stewardship responsibility is to ensure that the possessions entrusted to us will continue to be invested in ways consistent with our values and hopes after we have moved on. For more information about planned giving, contact our church office at (904) 221-1700.