Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
We receive the lavish gift of God's grace, given freely and unselfishly. In return, Isle of Faith gives our resources and ourselves in service, and encourages everyone to live a life of gracious generosity. Countless hours of volunteer time and generous financial support are given each year to those in need.
Contact our Missions/Ministry leaders to see how you can put your faith into action through one of our faith missions.
Bloodmobile - Isle of Faith supports a blood drive four times a year with the bloodmobile from OneBlood. Contact Kay Elkins at
Hodges Cluster Homes - A group from Isle of Faith visits the severely disabled residents of Hodges Cluster Homes on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:30am. They sing, share bible stories and give hugs. All salty servants welcome! Contact Kathy White at
Mission House Meal Preparation and Service - Isle of Faith teams prepare and serve the dinner meal at the Mission House in Jacksonville Beach on the 4th Friday of the month. IOF also prepares and serves the mid-day meal on the 2nd Sunday of even numbered months. Salty servants may volunteer for this ministry by contacting the church office at (904) 221-1700.
Dominican Republic Medical Mission - Through Medical Ministry International, Isle of Faith sends a team of nurses and assistants to the Dominican Republic for two weeks each summer to provide medical care to those who otherwise go without. They share the gospel through word, grace and service. For those who want to participate, one and two week trips are available. Contact Debbie White at
Youth Summer MIssions - each summer Isle of Faith sends our youth to serve others around the SE United States. For more information, contact the director of Student Ministries at
Young Adult Missions - our Young Adults individually go on missions to serve others throughout the year. For more information, contact Brenda Schreiber at
Cuba SIster Church in Punta Brava - Isle of Faith helps support a sister church in suburban Havana, Cuba. Isle of Faith participates in caravans traveling to Cuba under humanitarian visas. Contact Mike Oakes at for more information.
United Methodist Children's Home (UMCH) - The UMCH's mission is to help restore families from trauma through Jesus Christ. They envision a world where every child is raised in a loving, compassionate and nurturing home. IoF supports the UMCH mission financially with a special offering periodically throughout the year.
Angola Missions - CLICK HERE for more Information on this Vital and Life Changing Ministry!
There are many ways to serve our local community and beyond through participation in our Personal Ministries.
Beaches Habitat for Humanity - Isle of Faith partners with Beaches Habitat for Humanity to build affordable housing the the Jacksonville Beaches area. Through financial donations or participation in the Apostles Build program, you can bless a local family with a safe, new home. Click here for more information, or to find out how to participate.
Food Certificates - $5.00 gift cards for food items are available to help with temporary food assistance until an individual can see an agency for more assistance. Your donation to this fund will help local residents make ends meet in hard times. For more information and to find out how to help, contact the church office at (904) 221-1700 x201.
Meals on Wheels - Several teams of people deliver freshly prepared meals to shut-ins at lunch time through Meals on Wheels. Teams deliver once per week on alternating weeks. For more information, and to find out how you can help, contact the church office at (904) 221-1700 x201.
IoF Ruth Circle - A group of ladies support Mission House, Isiah 1:17, and the K9s for Warriors, Ponte Vedra. For more information, or to find out how you can help, contact Gloria Myers at
And so Many More!