Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
Palm Sunday Festival, Sunday, April13th, Worship 9:30am, Festival 11am-1pm
License # C04DU0208
1821 San Pablo Road South, Jacksonville FL 32224
Phone: 904-221-5437 (KIDS)
Director, M'lis Strain
Maggie Deese, Assistant to the Director
Welcome to the Isle of Faith Child Development Center (CDC). We offer Preschool programs, both full and half day, free VPK, and school-age programs for extended day care, holidays, and summer camps. Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing environment where your child is free to create, invent, investigate, rest, play, and explore. We do this by providing spacious classrooms, ample supplies and resources, and experienced and educated teachers. Or curriculum, Wee Learn, introduces children to God and provides Bible stories and pictures to reinforce arts, math concepts, language arts, health and safety, music, social studies, science and discovery, and indoor and outdoor play.
Mission Statement: A learning community where children are valued for their ability to create and imagine, their wonder and curiosity, and their perspectives and ability to play. A place where families are valued for their bonds and traditions, their commitment to home, church, and community, and their dreams for their children. And where staff are valued for their vision, thei delight in children, their skill, heart, and knowledge. We cherish what we learn from each other.
Incite wonder, provoke discovery, fuel passion, galvanize leaders.
Isle of Faith Child Development Center (CDC) Childcare Center
License # C04DU0208
1821 San Pablo Road South, Jacksonville FL 32224
Phone: 904-221-5437 (KIDS)
M'Lis Strain, Director
Maggie Deese, Assistant to the Director